TACS 2019 Journey of Success by khan Muhammad

DistrictTehsil/TalukaMC NameUC NameMale MembersFemale MembersMale Volunteers in MCFemale Volunteers in MCTotal Membership
Shaheed BenazirabadDaurBaakhJamal Shah1503015
 DaurRoshniGhulam Hyder Shah1503015
 DaurNayay SawaraSuhello1503015
 DaurSujjag60 Mile1503015
 Nawab ShahPirbhatGhandtar13230115
 Nawab ShahIthadChanasar1503015

Summary/ Journey of Success Year 2019:

SSSF is working with British council from 2014 till date

Sssf initiative in 9 Union Councils of District Shaheedbenazirabad to enrolled 1530 out of school children and  retain them to till next 3 years in Government primary Schools SSSF organized 4 youth volunteers capacity building trainings and  trained 94 male female youth volunteers  and formed 2 new Mohalla Committees reactivated 7 old  MCs. One  DMC formed and two DMC Meetings done 9 MC executive members and Director of education ,DEO,TEO. Media representatives, Civil society, politicians are members of DMC.136 mc members is  working with MCs  total 81 Monthly Meetings of Mohalla Committees organized ,12 Social Action projects implemented by Mc’s  40 Solar and Fans provided to 40 Government Primary Schools in 7 Union Councils of Tehsil dour district Shaheedbenazirabad Social Action projects

1 District Level Enrollment walk organized by SSSF with participation of Government stakeholders,09 Enrollment walk /Rally organized  by MC’s  in different location of 9 union councils

Youth ilmambassdors survived 1400 Household and identified more than 1740 out of schools children from 9 union councils of district after identification of out of school children  youth volunteers enrolled more than 1600 out of schools children male 1061 ,610 females in 96 Government primary schools 90 Male Schools and 6 Females schools of. Children are retain and getting quality education, One closed school open through by MC and DMC

 the education department has acknowledged the efforts of SSSF Mcs, and British Council project ilmpossible take a child to school (TACS)

More than 1600 students are retain  MC’s are monitoring every three school in a week target given by Community Mobilizer to MC’s with the efforts of MC Roshni  Closed school open by DMC in August 22 2019 Total 24 Meetings done with Education department 6 MCs Members received training from CGN. 9 MC’s are Active and playing vital role for retention of enrolled 1671 students, renovation of schools ,construction of class rooms  ,provision of missing facilities ,utilization of SMC funds in Schools , buildup the good relationship between community and education department and other stakeholders Coordination/link developed with education department and other stakeholders

Impact: (write in detail that what change(s) has brought by activities carried out in year 2019- Also write number of total beneficiaries)Impact of MCs:

Sssf initiative in 9 Union Councils of District Shaheedbenazirabad to enrolled 1530 out of school children and  retain them to till next 3 years in Government primary Schools SSSF organized 4 youth volunteers capacity building trainings and  trained 94 male female youth volunteers  and formed 2 new Mohalla Committees reactivated 7 old  MCs. Youth ilmambassdors survived 1400 Household and identified more than 1740 out of schools children from 9 union councils of district after identification of out of school children youth volunteers ,MCs IP started enrolment campaign in different locations of union councils and also organized 09enrollment walk at Union council level and one at district level the education directors ,DEOs,TEOS,Civil society ,media parents ,Teachers university students media local government members participated in enrollment walk at different location of district Director Education ,DEO,TEOS participating  in every enrollment walk/Activities of IP MC’s  .DEO organized community meetings with Mcs and youth volunteers for enrolment campaign Director of education Mr.Razi Khan Jamali, DEO Din Muhammad Pathan TEO Naseem Pirzado Hassan Ali jamali  issued the facilitation letters to Teachers  to Support TACS program team, youth volunteers , MCs ,The youth volunteers enrolled 1671 out of school children in 9 union councils of district and education department has monitored and acknowledged that 1671 out of school are Geneon and enrolled by youth volunteers with the support of Shah Sachal sami foundation ,MCs under ILMpossible Take – a child to school program in 2019. Mohall Committees build strong coordination with education department and others stakeholders MC’s conducted More than 25 meetings  with education department for different purpose like as invitation for visits of schools ,invitation for participation in enrollment walk , provision of Teachers ,provision of furniture’s, construction of boundary wall ,renovation of schools, utilization of SMC  funds, new building for schools , and provision of others basic needs of schools. The Education department  is always supporting to MC’s and provided schools teachers in GBPS.Muhammad Khan Chuutto and open the school more than 52 out of school children enrolled and getting quality education under TACS Project in GBPS.Muhammad Khan Chuutto  ,DEO visited many schools and provided furniture for GBSP.Khani Mulla Pathan on the request of pirbhat mc .MC’s organized 9awareness  sessions on Article -25 A in different location of union councils ,community is aware from the Article 25 A and demanding the quality education from the state community have been raising the question from elected members  to provide basic needs of schools of their areas .MC’s identified major problems of the schools and designed the social action projects on as per needs of schools , more than 12 Social action projects implemented by MC’s such as mc provided solar system. schools coloring ,construction of water tank, construction of boundary wall , provision of furniture ,provision of wheel chair to disabled children make ILMPOSSIBLE  for disabled children provision of Stationeries, provision of  solar motor pumps ,provision of pure sweet drinking water for schools .After implementation of social action project community are taking responsibilities to resolving the basic issues of schools ,Community and elected members uc chairman contributed more than RS 3,80000(in kind support )  for schools and its big figure of contribution from the community for schools more than 4000 children teachers are benefiting from the self help initiatives .the community is ready to  contribution in schools grant after approval of British council. Community organizing meeting with teachers for resolving the schools issues and  monitoring the enrolled children and participating in MCs meetings.

Youth volunteers

After receiving the Active citizen training Youth ilmambassdors survived 1400 Household and identified more than 1740 out of schools children from 9 union councils, The youth volunteers enrolled 1671  OOSC and monitoring  in 9 union councils of district and education department has monitored and acknowledged that 1671 out of school are Geneon and enrolled by youth volunteers with the support of shah sachal sami foundation and MCs under ILMpossible Take – a child to school program in 2019

Others Activities of youth volunteers

The youth volunteers  playing vital role  in their community for bringing the  positive change in society many youth volunteers are engaged in social work and mobilizing to communities  ,resolving the local issues and engaging others youth organizing  motivation session in schools and collages universities they are building the capacity of others youth and delivering sane module of active citizen to youth volunteers, formed a network of youth volunteers and sharing the knowledge and issues ,ideas to each others

Baakh MC organized enrollment walk in Asgharabad, Uc chairman, education department,NCHD department, law implementers organization, parents community activist participated in enrollment walk more than 200 male female participated in walk.

Impact of enrollment walk

In this union council Jamal shah  563 out of school children  enrolled by youth volunteers and MC  which is high figure of out of 9 union councils of District Shaheed Benazir Abad. Community encouraging to MC and youth volunteers education department is supporting to mc and also participating in different activities of MC .

Implementation of Kitchen Garden Component

Implementation of Kitchen Garden Component through Shah Sachal SACHAL sami Foundation  under Sindh Irrigated Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project – SIAPEP


The Sindh Irrigated Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Project (SIAPEP) is an initiative of the Government of Sindh in Pakistan that the World Bank is funding. Its primary goal is to improve irrigation water management at tertiary and field levels in the province by adopting modern irrigation practices such as drip irrigation and laser land leveling equipment. By doing so, the project aims to increase the productivity and efficiency of the agricultural sector in the region. As a part of its efforts towards community development, the Shah Sachal Sami Foundation (SSSF), a non-profit organization in Pakistan, has partnered with the SIAPEP project to strengthen the role of women in agriculture. The SSSF is focused on creating sustainable solutions for the betterment of society with a particular emphasis on women and children. Under this partnership, the SIAPEP project is implementing a kitchen garden program to help meet the nutritional needs of families in the region. A well-maintained kitchen garden can provide fresh vegetables, and with the help of drip irrigation equipment, it can be a reliable source of fresh produce for families. The distribution of kitchen garden drip irrigation kits is being provided to 200 landless Harees and female-headed households through the SIAPEP project. Each kitchen garden drip irrigation kit comprises of drip irrigation equipment for a plot of 20*20 ft, including a small water storage of 200 liters with a conveyance pipe for daily water provision. A tool kit is also included, which contains an iron bucket, spade, plastic bucket, and hoe, as well as seeds and fertilizer for 3 seasons (10 varieties of vegetables). This kit is designed to enable families to grow their vegetables and fruits at home, making use of any available space, including garages, gardens, basements, and any other empty rooms nearby the home.

The Sindh Government, with financial support from the World Bank, is implementing the SIAPEP project, and the Kitchen Garden of the component of the SIAPEP. The SSSF has done identification of kitchen gardening beneficiaries is being done through community-level analysis and household surveys as per the approved criteria and the KG activity exclusively designed for poor rural women and female-headed households, with female beneficiaries being prioritized. The SSSF is working towards the overall objective of the project, which is to improve the nutritional and socio-economic status of the farming community in the Shaheed Benazir Abad district of Sindh. The prime objective of the project interventions is to raise awareness and educate the community about nutritional matters, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own nutritional needs. The project aims to target potential beneficiaries who are interested in establishing kitchen gardens for family nutrition and have the willingness to sell any surplus produce at later stages. The selection criteria for direct beneficiaries will focus on women groups who have access to a small piece of agricultural land for kitchen gardening and are willing to install the Drip Irrigation Kit, with a permanent source of safe and sweet water for irrigating vegetables. The project also seeks to involve experienced and interested persons in kitchen gardening who agree to participate in kitchen gardening training and the whole process of project activities. The Shah Sachal Sami Foundation team has selected 200 landless Harees and female headed households as beneficiaries for the Kitchen Garden project to ensure that the distribution of the kitchen

garden drip irrigation kits is done efficiently and fairly, the SSSF has implemented a selection process based on community-level analysis and household surveys and as per the selection criteria received from PIU SIAPEP. The selection criteria for direct beneficiaries have been focused on poor rural women who have an availability of 20*20 sqft plot inside or outside the house for kitchen gardening and are willing to install the KG drip irrigation kit, with a permanent source of safe and sweet water for irrigating vegetables.


 BasheranKhaton’s story is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity. She refused to let poverty and disaster define her fate, and instead, she charted her own path towards success. With the help of SIAPEP and SHAH SACHAL SAMI FOUNDATION, Basheran transformed her bleak circumstances into a thriving kitchen garden. Her unwavering dedication and hard work paid off, as her garden flourished and provided her family with fresh produce and a steady source of income. But Basheran’s success didn’t end there. Her leadership skills and determination inspired a group of women to join her in her gardening endeavors, and together, they transformed their community. They not only grew enough vegetables to support their families but also generated a significant income by selling their produce. Basheran’s story is a beacon of hope and a reminder that with perseverance and the right support, we can overcome any obstacle. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of hard work, determination, and community support. Let her story be an inspiration to us all, to never give up on our dreams, and to always believe in our ability to create a better future.

Live Stock Sector Development


Shah Sachal Sami Foundation (SSSF) is a non-profit organization, registered under the section 42 companies’ ordinance 1984, SECP in 2017 .Working from 1990in   District Nawabshah (Benazirabad)  of Sindh, Pakistan. The   aim of the organization is to provide participatory development services to the most marginalized communities of the area who are backward in overall development process. The  main thrust is to empower  the  deprived  peoples  of   rural  areas  through  improving their  socio- economic status  and enhancing their production capacities and income generation sources and resources.

Live Stock Sector

Livestock is an important sector in Pakistan’s economy and contributes about 11.9 percent in the GDP of Pakistan. Livestock sector is considered to be a net source of invariable income for rural and middle grade agri-business holders. Moreover it can play a major role in poverty alleviation in rural areas of Pakistan. Livestock Sector occupies a unique position in the socio-economic development of the country. It also plays important role in the rural economy as supplementing family incomes and generating gainful employment in the rural population, particularly among the landless laborers, small and marginal farmers and women. 30-35 million rural populations is engaged in livestock raising, having household holdings of 2-3 cattle/ buffalo and 5-6 sheep/ goat per family which help them to drive 30-40% of their income from.

Livestock Population Change

 The total population increase in livestock sector during economic year 2022-23 is listed below. Livestock 48.28% population in year 2022-23 of Sindh. Buffalo, sheep and goat population replicated by 18.06%, 8.41% and 21.81% respectively. There is 0% increase in mule population. For many smallholder farmers, livestock are the only ready source of cash to buy inputs for crop production, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Livestock income also goes towards buying things the farmers cannot make for themselves and that includes paying for school fees, medicine and taxes from milk and milk products like butter and cheese. Larger animals such as cattle are a capital reserve, built up in good times to be used when crops are poor or when the family is facing large expenses such as the cost of a wedding or a hospital bill. So in this regard Shah Sachal Sami Foundation mobilization teams have been given loans for the support of livestock sector

Progress Report

 Livestock loan facility is designed to improve the productivity capacity, expansion of business capital, and to improve the financial status of small dairy and meat farms i.e. expansion of working capital requirement and purchase of buffalos, cows, sheep, insurance of livestock, dairy and meet farms equipment, milk storage chilling tanks, etc.

The loan size of livestock credit line is to PKR 10,000 to PKR 700,000

Our Coverage

(1 district, 3 Talukas Dour, Sakrand, Nawabshah)

Success Stories

Halima Bibi (Live Stock Sector)

Halima Bibi is a rural area woman. She is skilled in livestock business. Her husband is working on daily wages and brought income to home which is insufficient to fulfill family requirements. Halima decided to start livestock business which she has some knowledge from her family. Halima contacted to SSSF team and achieved loan for livestock business. The quickly and timely support of (SSSF) mobilization team she was select as a needy borrower. She was supported for livestock because she has a much experience in livestock She purchased buffalo for dairy business. She care her animal and got good quantity of milk from it and sold the Milk from home and earn daily income which is sufficient for her family requirements.

Mehar Ali Khaskheli (Live Stock Sector)

Mehar Ali a rural person live in a village Darya khan .In 20212-13 he applied for the livestock loan and set objective to establish his own cattle form which looks impossible in these days . SSSF like his idea and support him to give him lean of 100000/-. After one year he sold the goats with profit of 60000/- After that he buy buffalo and start milk business. He once again applied for loan get loan of 200000/- in      2013-14 and bought 2 buffaloes for milk then after his form grownup and currently he  has 10 buffaloes from which he sales the milk from home. . His sons are also with him in this business.  Now he has his own cattle form and achieve his objective. Now his daily earning is 12000/-15000/-