Accelerated Action Plan for Reduction in Stunting and Malnutrition is named as “Sindh Enhancing Response to Stunting and Malnutrition” by the World Bank. It’s a multi sector program where Health, Local Government, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Education, Social Welfare, Population Welfare are participating. Local Government is responsible for WASH Component design, implementation and evaluation. The basic aim of the project is to reduce open defecation practices and improve hygiene promotion through hand washing.
SSSF has been entered in partnership with Govt of Sindh in Oct -2021 under “Hiring services of Shah Sachal Sami foundation (SSSF) for achieving open defecation free villages in Shaheed Benazirabad”. The prime objective of the project interventions encourages the community to take responsibility and to take its own action. In its fullest sense, total sanitation includes a range of behaviors such as: stopping all open defecation; ensuring that everyone uses a hygienic toilet; washing hands with soap before preparing food and eating, after using the toilet, and after contact with babies’ feces, or birds and animals; handling food and water in a hygienic manner; and safe disposal of animal and domestic waste to create a clean and safe environment. CLTS concentrates on ending open defecation (OD) as a first significant step and entry point to changing behavior. It starts by enabling people to do their own sanitation profile through appraisal, observation and analysis of their practices of OD and the effects these have. This kindles feelings of shame and disgust, and often a desire to stop OD and clean up their neighborhood.
The project is implemented in all four talukas of District Shaheed Benazirabad namely Nawabshah, Dour, Sakrand and Kazi Ahmed respectively.