Shah Sachal Sami Foundation (SSSF) is a non-profit organization, registered under the section 42 companies’ ordinance 1984, SECP in 2017 .Working from 1990in District Nawabshah (Benazirabad) of Sindh, Pakistan. The aim of the organization is to provide participatory development services to the most marginalized communities of the area who are backward in overall development process. The main thrust is to empower the deprived peoples of rural areas through improving their socio- economic status and enhancing their production capacities and income generation sources and resources.
Live Stock Sector

Livestock is an important sector in Pakistan’s economy and contributes about 11.9 percent in the GDP of Pakistan. Livestock sector is considered to be a net source of invariable income for rural and middle grade agri-business holders. Moreover it can play a major role in poverty alleviation in rural areas of Pakistan. Livestock Sector occupies a unique position in the socio-economic development of the country. It also plays important role in the rural economy as supplementing family incomes and generating gainful employment in the rural population, particularly among the landless laborers, small and marginal farmers and women. 30-35 million rural populations is engaged in livestock raising, having household holdings of 2-3 cattle/ buffalo and 5-6 sheep/ goat per family which help them to drive 30-40% of their income from.
Livestock Population Change
The total population increase in livestock sector during economic year 2022-23 is listed below. Livestock 48.28% population in year 2022-23 of Sindh. Buffalo, sheep and goat population replicated by 18.06%, 8.41% and 21.81% respectively. There is 0% increase in mule population. For many smallholder farmers, livestock are the only ready source of cash to buy inputs for crop production, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Livestock income also goes towards buying things the farmers cannot make for themselves and that includes paying for school fees, medicine and taxes from milk and milk products like butter and cheese. Larger animals such as cattle are a capital reserve, built up in good times to be used when crops are poor or when the family is facing large expenses such as the cost of a wedding or a hospital bill. So in this regard Shah Sachal Sami Foundation mobilization teams have been given loans for the support of livestock sector
Progress Report
Livestock loan facility is designed to improve the productivity capacity, expansion of business capital, and to improve the financial status of small dairy and meat farms i.e. expansion of working capital requirement and purchase of buffalos, cows, sheep, insurance of livestock, dairy and meet farms equipment, milk storage chilling tanks, etc.
The loan size of livestock credit line is to PKR 10,000 to PKR 700,000
Our Coverage

(1 district, 3 Talukas Dour, Sakrand, Nawabshah)
Success Stories
Halima Bibi (Live Stock Sector)
Halima Bibi is a rural area woman. She is skilled in livestock business. Her husband is working on daily wages and brought income to home which is insufficient to fulfill family requirements. Halima decided to start livestock business which she has some knowledge from her family. Halima contacted to SSSF team and achieved loan for livestock business. The quickly and timely support of (SSSF) mobilization team she was select as a needy borrower. She was supported for livestock because she has a much experience in livestock She purchased buffalo for dairy business. She care her animal and got good quantity of milk from it and sold the Milk from home and earn daily income which is sufficient for her family requirements.
Mehar Ali Khaskheli (Live Stock Sector)

Mehar Ali a rural person live in a village Darya khan .In 20212-13 he applied for the livestock loan and set objective to establish his own cattle form which looks impossible in these days . SSSF like his idea and support him to give him lean of 100000/-. After one year he sold the goats with profit of 60000/- After that he buy buffalo and start milk business. He once again applied for loan get loan of 200000/- in 2013-14 and bought 2 buffaloes for milk then after his form grownup and currently he has 10 buffaloes from which he sales the milk from home. . His sons are also with him in this business. Now he has his own cattle form and achieve his objective. Now his daily earning is 12000/-15000/-